Uric Crystals Removed - 3 Day Test
Published on:Trial Results
The uric salt was encrusted on the inside of the bowl trap and was solid.
After 3 days, we unscrewed the trap to reveal a brown substance that was very soft and sludgy to touch.
We ran it under the tap, and it all washed away easily.
No smell of urine could be detected in the washroom, even close up when we removed the trap.

Materials Used
1 x dose direct into cistern per day
Sprayed on all hard surfaces around urinals, partitions, floors and sinks every day
1 x dose directly into the urinal per week
Materials Used (once uric crystals are removed)
1 x dose direct into each urinal
Whilst in the washroom, we treated these other areas.
1 x dose into each sink
1 x dose into shower head