What is R-Foam?
Published on:R-Foam is a revolutionary product from TECcare that is the brainchild of their Technical Department.
R-Foam is a plant derived, 100% rapidly biodegradable product that lines a drain with ‘natures grease’ to prevent substances sticking to the inside of the pipe.
The inside of a plastic pipe is extremely static and therefore very adhesive to things that pass through it. We want to wash away whatever goes down our toilets, urinals and sinks but in reality, lots is being left behind.
For example, urine sits the u-bend (see images below from the laboratory and real-world example).
The water content evaporates, leaving behind the substance known as Uric Salt or Uric Crystal. This is the stuff that contributes massively to washrooms smelling strongly of urine.
Other nasty growths inside a pipe are biofilms which breed bacteria and pathogens. It's not only the stuff that comes out of our bodies that promote the growth of bacteria. When we shower or wash our hands, skin cells, polymers and fillers from soap and shampoo, are all food for the bacteria.
Once a drain has been cleared of the debris (this is a process, not an instant procedure if using non-toxic products), R-Foam is sprayed down the urinal or sink.

R-Foam is sprayed down the drains from the can with a small, long tube
The foam immediately expands and pushes the dormant liquid through the u-bend and continues to travel through the pipe, coating it with a non-stick substance.
The u-bend is the only barrier we have to an open sewer. We're not going to change a nation's plumbing design, but we can make it less of a threat to our health.

Our existing plumbing in toilets dates back to the early 1900s
Drain Pant
A phrase you've probably never heard of but it's something that poses a threat to our health.
As mentioned above, the u-bend is the only barrier we have to an open sewer. If we accept that there are pathogens in the u-bend, then we need to be aware that they are being pushed back into the room.
This is one of the causes of SBS (Sick Building Syndrome), Superbugs and HAIs (Hospital Acquired Infections).
But how?
On a windy day, you'll notice the water in the toilet pan rises and falls. With this wind, the water ‘breathes’ pathogens that are breeding in the pipework, back into the room.

One month after application
R-Foam will stay in the pipework for weeks and even months on end. Above is an image from foam that was over one month old, but with no connected plumbing. As a proof of concept, it shows that the foam continues to hold its structure, therefore it's contact to the inside of the pipes.
We predict that R-Foam will need to be applied on a monthly basis. For very high traffic washrooms, this would increase to the bi-monthly.

Providing Protection for Shower Heads
TECcare R-Foam can also be used in shower heads. This provides protection from Legionella Bacteria and other pathogens that can trigger ear and eye infections.

Hotels, universities, leisure facilities etc can all benefit from using R-Foam in shower heads
Money Saving
It is common practise for u-bends to be replaced (sometimes as frequently as every month) in hospitals.
Using Control and R-Foam consistently can prevent this unnecessary huge cost.