034504 Taski Sprint 200 Pureco 1.4ltr


1.4ltr smartdose bottle 

Surfaces shine once more thanks to the TASKI Sprint 200 Pur Eco SmartDose formula. A glass and multi-purpose cleaner manufactured by Diversey Care, this solution sold in a 1.4 litre size can be diluted or used in concentration to reduce smudges and dullness on glass or mirrors as well as restoring sparkle to floors, tile, kitchen surfaces and bathroom facilities. EU and Nordic Swan certified for safe and economic cleansing.

This TASKI Sprint formula can be applied with a cleaning cloth, sponge, mop and bucket or transferred to a trigger spray bottle to wipe away germs, dust and every day dirt that accumulates with regular use; restoring rooms for a refreshed, almost-brand-new feel. A welcome addition to any cleaning kit, the TASKI Multi-purpose cleaner gets the job done with little effort.

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