Anyah Shampoo 5ltr


1 x 5ltr

Daily formula containing an amino acid derivative with hydrating effect.
The formula has a high compatibility with the skin thanks to the high quality of the ingredients with proven environmental sustainability.

A Nordic Eco-labelled product formulated with essentials and active ingredients.

Nordic Ecolabel is a cosmetic labelling which cares about the environment and evaluates the environmental impact during the whole life cycle, from formula to packaging to the disposal. Besides the ecological aspect which is a key part of Nordic Ecolabel, we put attention also to the effectiveness and skin tolerance, selecting ingredients complying with Ecolabel rules and placing them in formulas with appropriate concentrations, starting from the surfactants.

All the Anyah range take care of the environmental impact, proven with the calculation of LCA shown directly on the label, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), is an innovative approach that has allowed us to calculate the environmental impact of Anyah’s packaging along its entire life cycle.

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