D-Solve Graffiti Remover 750ml
1 x 750ml
The Selden Graffiti Remover has a powerful fast acting formula. With low viscosity levels ensuring quick penetration of the affected areas. Being water-soluble it is very easy to clean, just simply wash away with water. Suitable for use on bricks, stone and concretes. This product is NOT suitable for use on plastics, paints and other solvent sensitive surfaces. Low odour & no choking fumes makes this product user friendly as well.
This product meets the requirements of the EU Detergent Directive - 2005-2004/648/EC. This requires all surfactants to breakdown both quickly and completely into harmless material such as CO2 & water.
- Fast Acting - Powerful fast acting formula. Low viscosity ensures quick penetration on affected areas
- Water-Soluble - Simply wash off with water for an easy clean
- Suitability - Suitable for use on bricks, stone & concretes
- Low Odour - Low odours & no choking fumes making this user friendly