Kaivac UniVac


1 x machine with wand

The UniVac® system is a compact adaptation of Kaivac’s multi award-winning Dispense-and-Vac system. This one-fill “no-mop” cleaning machine offers a simple approach to cleaner, safer floors in a nimble single-piece package. Its compact size and extreme manoeuvrability make it ideal for congested areas with limited storage.

Like most Kaivac systems, it’s up to 60 times better at removing soil and contaminants than mopping and significantly faster too. It also supports multiple power options, including portable cord-free operation with Kaivac’s unique quick-change Lithium-ion Power Pack or corded with our optional GFCI electrical extension cord.

There’s no easier way to stop the mop than with Kaivac’s UniVac. It’s not only easier, faster and safer than mopping, but it actually removes soils instead of spreading them.

Daily Kitchen & Dining Cleaning
Don’t let dirty, greasy floors drive customers and employees away – or take them down. Grease and contaminants coat food service floors, creating unsanitary and slippery surfaces. Toss the mop and experience the power of vacuum extraction in kitchens, food prep areas, walk-ins, dining rooms, behind bars, and more.

Restroom Cleaning
No area of the building generates more complaints than the restroom, and mops are a primary reason. This “no-mop” solution enables fast and hygienic cleaning of restroom floors, the primary source of those complaints.

Avoid Slip-and-Fall Accidents
When it comes to spills, time is of the essence to prevent lasting damage or slip-and-fall injury. Rapid, complete removal of spill contents keeps employees, customers and surfaces safe. Plus floors are clean and dry for immediate use.

Weather-related Cleaning
This portable and maneuverable system is perfect for weather-related cleaning like water, mud, snow and salt pickup for improved floor safety and perfect first impressions. Its nimble maneuverability are perfect for cleaning throughout the day.

Entrance Way Cleaning
Entrance ways are the highest traffic spots in any restaurant or bar building, but they’re also critical for first impressions and safety. Not only can UniVac maintain a safe, appealing entrance, it also helps stop common and weather-related soil from being tracked inside.


Cleaner Floors
Kaivac’s legendary soil removal technology cleans grouted floors 60 times better than mopping. Developed using rigorous scientific measurement, it actually gets all of your floors clean enough to eat from.

Faster Cleaning
In studies performed by customers, UniVac can reduce cleaning times by 25% or more while achieving dramatically better cleaning results

Simple To Learn & Use
It’s much easier and more effective than mopping. Virtually any employee can learn to use the UniVac instead of the mop and bucket.

Easy To Clean 
Quick draining design makes cleaning after use as easy as can be.

Easy To Transport & Store
The compact size and small footprint of the UniVac are ideal for congested kitchens with limited storage space. Store your UniVac in less space than the typical mop and bucket.

Rapid ROI
Faster cleaning times, low-cost maintenance, chemical savings, safer floors, and improved customer impressions adds up to a quick payback.

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